About 33 students from NYU visited IBM Hawthorne on 14 November 2008. NYU alumni at IBM and some of the IBM Manhattan Technical Vitality Community (associated with the IBM Academy of Technology) attended the event - as well as the speakers. Here is the agenda for the day:
- 09:30-11:00am : Bus from NYU
- 11:00-11:50am : IBM Research Overview - Joanna Batstone
- 12:00-12:30pm : Services Research - Robert Morris
- 12:30-1:00pm : Stream Processing - Lisa Amini
- 01:00-2:30pm : Lunch with Alumni Visits to offices etc
- 02:30-3:00pm : The Promise, the Limits, and the Beauty of Software - Grady Booch in Second Life with help from David Levine
- 03:00-3:30pm : The Genographic Project - Laxmi Parida
- 03:30-5:00pm : Bus to NYU
Some Feedback from the Students
- Great to talk to IBM employees
- Lunch with NYU alumni was so great
- Nice to see how open the office is
- It would have been even better if we had some more time to do everything in detail and not rush.
- Great opportunity to meet up with NYU Alumni
- Interesting to see so many Macs
- Thank you so much to everyone at IBM and WinC - it has been excellent.
- Lunch was great, the interaction superb. (Coffee)
- More information on job hiring process would have been good.
- Thanks a lot. Excellent work. Interacting with the employees over lunch was so special and informative. A little more time would have been great.
- A great experience. It is really a privilege to have listened to people like Grady Booch and other accomplished employees of IBM.
- Thank you very much for organizing the IBM trip. It's really a fantastic experience of meeting those outstanding people and listening to their talks! WinC IS doing something unusual!
Lunch with the NYU Alumni
Speaker Bios
Joanna Batstone
Joanna L. Batstone, Ph.D. is the Director for Distributed Computing in IBM Research, with worldwide strategy responsibility for Distributed Computing. Previously she was the Program Director, Development, for IBM’s Sensors & Actuators business unit and a Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Software Group. She spent 5 years as a Senior Manager for Solutions Development in IBM's Healthcare & Life Sciences Business Unit with development responsibilities for IBM's Life Sciences solutions for Pharma and Biotech. Under her leadership, IBM launched industry solutions for data integration, regulatory compliance, clinical trials management and information lifecycle management. Before joining the IBM Healthcare & Life Sciences team, Batstone spent 11 years in IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, NY, in the Physical Sciences and Computer Sciences departments.
She has published over 80 papers and organized many industry conference symposia. Her professional activities include: BIO IT Coalition Advisory Board, Indiana University Science Informatics Advisory Board, invited speaker on "Turning Genomics into Medicine" at the 2003 MIT Emerging Technologies conference, sponsored by the Technology Review, featured speaker at the Bio IT World webcast - IT Solutions for Proteomics, (Nov ’02), scientific advisory board for the Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Data Visualization and Interpretation Conference, (’03) and invited speaker in ’02, an invited speaker on "The Future of the Biotechnology Industry: Opportunities for Small Businesses", at the NY Solutions 2002 Conference.
Batstone received a B.Sc., in Chemical Physics and a Ph.D., in Physics from The University of Bristol, UK, followed by postdoctoral work at AT&T Bell Laboratories, NJ, and a Lectureship in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Liverpool, UK, before joining IBM Research. She received the ’95 Burton Medal from the Microscopy Society of America, the '91 Robert Lansing Hardy Gold Medal from The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society and the '89 Cosslett Award from the Microbeam Analysis Society.
Batstone takes a leadership role in promoting opportunities for Women in Technology with regular presentations on careers and survival skills. Batstone chaired the American Physical Society’s Committee on Careers and Professional Development and was an elected Member at Large on the Executive Committee for the Forum for Industrial and Applied Physics. She represents IBM at the New York Academy of Sciences Womens' Investigators Network Diversity Leadership Initiative, she was an invited Panelist at the 1st Annual Conference on Non-Traditional Careers, sponsored by Trendsetters Network, 21st Century Careers for Girls in NYC, a keynote speaker at the 14th Annual Conference on Women in Engineering, Kingston, Ontario and a keynote speaker for the Committee on the Status of Women in Physics, American Physical Society March meeting, in Montreal, Canada.
Robert Morris
Dr. Robert Morris is Vice President, Services Research, IBM Research, where he is responsible for IBM's worldwide research efforts in services. IBM's revenue is now more than 50% from services, and recently IBM Research has introduced this major new area of services research at labs in New York, California, Austin, Haifa, Zurich, Tokyo, Beijing, New Delhi and Bangalore. Representative projects include policy and risk management, human resource optimization, data systems management, business mining and insights, model-driven business designs, services software engineering, etc. IBM is also an early proponent of Services Science, Management and Engineering (SSME). SSME draws heavily on information and computer sciences, mathematics, management and social sciences, etc., and combines them in new ways to create global wealth and solve social problems.
From 2004-2006 he was VP, Assets Innovation, IBM Global Services. In this position his mission was to drive innovation in IBM's services through four main activities: the creation and commercialization of intellectual assets (typically technology) that can be used to improve service effectiveness; the creation and management of services methods and tools; knowledge management tools; and talent (professions, communities, etc).
From 1999-2004, he was the director of the IBM Almaden Research Center where he oversaw scientists and engineers doing exploratory and applied research in hardware and software areas such as nanotechnology, materials science, storage systems, data management, web technologies and user interfaces. Robert was also vice president for personal systems and storage research, managing this worldwide research work within IBM. During this period he managed the creation of variety of new initiatives, including a joint research institute with Stanford on spintronics, a startup business on webscale knowledge mining and discovery, new technologies for distributed storage and client management, and a focused “services science” research effort. Previously, Robert was a director at the IBM T.J. Watson Research lab in New York, where he led teams in personal systems research and was the executive responsible for the Deep Blue chess machine. He began his employment with IBM at Almaden working on storage and data management technologies. Originally from Australia, he began his career at Bell Laboratories where he was involved in developing a number of networking and computing technologies.
Robert was chairman of the Bay Area Science and Innovation Consortium (BASIC) from 2002-2005, an organization consisting of the heads of major research institutions in Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area. He represented IBM on the Government University Industry Research Roundtable (run by the National Academies) from 2001-2006. He has published more than fifty articles in computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics literature and has received eleven patents. He holds a PhD in computer science from the University of California, Los Angeles, and is a member of the IBM Academy of Technology, and a Fellow of the IEEE. He was an Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers from 1986-1991 and is on a variety of advisory boards for leading universities.
Lisa Amini
Lisa Amini is a Distinguished Engineer and Senior Manager of the Exploratory Stream Processing Research Group at the IBM TJ Watson Research Center. She is the Engineering Lead for the System S project, led the design and development of its stream processing core, and is now architect for the recently announced InfoSphere Streams product, which is based on System S technology . Lisa has worked at IBM the areas of stream processing systems and algorithms, distributed systems, networking, and multimedia for over 15 years. Lisa received her PhD degree in Computer Science from Columbia University.
Grady Booch
Grady Booch's Bio

Laxmi Parida
Laxmi Parida's Bio
Laxmi Parida is a Research Staff Member of the Computational Biology Center at the IBM T, J. Watson and a visiting professor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York. She received her Ph.D. in the area of Computational Genomics from New York University; she received the Janet Fabri Award for an outstanding thesis in computer science. She is also a recipient of the Sandra Blestein award for notable achievement in mathematical and computer science by a woman. She has authored over seventy-five research papers, and holds several patents related to her algorithmic work.
Some Group Photos
Final Farewells
Handy Links
- IBM Hawthorne: http://www.watson.ibm.com/general_info_haw.shtml
- NYU and IBM Activities: http://nyuibm.blogspot.com/
- The XML Challenge - Be an XML Superstar http://xmlchallenge.com/
- XQuery: Introduction, Tips, and Future Directions - Nov 17, 2008 2:00 p.m. Eastern / 11:00 a.m. Pacific (60 minutes) - The session will be Recorded : http://www.eseminarslive.com/c/a/Database/IBM111708/
- Two Internships available in IBM Toronto - Jan 2009 until April 2010 - Posting # is SWG-0186245 and available at: http://www-03.ibm.com/employment/ca/en/job_3.html
- Two graduate positions available in IBM Toronto - Posting # is SWG-0201281 and available at: http://www-03.ibm.com/employment/ca/en/job_2.html
NYU Contacts : Yi Ke, Christine Lee, Sana' Odeh,
IBM Contacts : Arcadia Kocybala, Susan Malaika