Thursday, March 29, 2007

Community Maintained Artifacts and The Social Web

John Riedl, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota
Friday, March 30, 10:30AM-noon
IBM Yorktown, Room 26-024
Host: David Cohn

Many online communities are emerging that, like Wikipedia, bring people together to build community-maintained artifacts of lasting
value (CALVs). Motivating people to contribute is a key problem because the quantity and quality of contributions ultimately determine
a CALV's value. We pose three related research questions: 1) How does intelligent task routing---matching people with work---affect the
quantity of contributions? 2) How does reviewing contributions before accepting them affect the quality of contributions? 3) How do
recommender systems affect the evolution of a shared tagging vocabulary among the contributors?

About the Speaker: Professor Riedl specializes in collaborative filtering, systems, and information filtering. He also often speaks as an expert on the topic of online social networks. In 2006, he was named a Senior Member of the IEEE and also won the Best Paper Award at the Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Conference. Riedl has also received the Commerce Technology Award, The MIT Sloan School Award for Innovation in E-Commerce, and at least half a dozen teaching awards. Riedl has served on many program committees and has authored more than 50 publications, including one book, journal and conference papers, short articles and book chapters. He is a member of the ACM and IEEE organizations, and an Editorial Board member for the Journal of Electronic Commerce Technologies.

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